Thursday 26 March 2015


In Literacy we have been learning to write riddles. Can you guess who we have written about?

Easter fun!!

We have done lots of Easter activities this week. Take a look about what we have been up to.

Friday 30 January 2015

We love problem solving Friday!!

Every Friday in Maths we do 'Problem solving'. This is where we work with our learning buddies to answer as many different maths problems as we can around the classroom.
This really helps us to work with a partner, think on our feet and solve tricky number problems in a fun and exciting way.

Here are some pictures of us from today's lesson.

Our winners were Emma and Bailey
They were the first pair to crack the code which spelt
'Maths is really fun'

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Sumdog and purplemash

Remember to use Sumdog and Purple mash at home to enhance your learning in maths and literacy.     


In order to get more smilies during the school week remember to:
  • Read 3 times a week at home (please remember to sign your child's planner)
  • Get 10/10 on your spellings and times tables test
  • Bring in your PE kit for PE lessons (remember our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday)
  • Be in school everyday

Stained glass window

We have really enjoyed working with Mrs Mack over the past week decorating our classes stained glass window.
Doesn't it look fantastic!!

Sunday 9 March 2014

World Book Day 2014

On Thursday 6th March 2014 the whole school celebrated World Book Day.
This is a picture of Mrs Ward's Year 2 class.
We read some of our favourite books and worked on different reading activities.
We all had a lovely day.

Mrs Ward